While the results might shock, astound, surprise or have you nodding your head in agreement, I did learn a few things that I think all single women can benefit from ...
Do not have a 'friend with benefits'
Aside from what the men said they think of this arrangement, ("Free sex! No strings attached! Hooray!"), Rutgers University has finally proved what we've long suspected: women fall in love after having sex.
Call it the "orgasm curse" if you will, but if you think you can handle a "friends with benefits" situation, ladies, think again. The researchers discovered that oxytocin will inevitably ruin your ability to think rationally about the person you've just bonked, whether he's a douchebag or not. Which means that, unless you're willing to get your heart broken (or you've really taken the time to get to know him), don't do it.
Justin Timberlake's character in the film Friends with Benefits expresses the same sentiment as many of the blokes I surveyed: sex is more like playing a game of tennis than a declaration of a true-love, soul-mate connection.
And (spoiler-alert!), just because JT got over his commitment-phobia, does not mean that by bonking a man silly, he might come around and actually ask you on a date.
Don't say I didn't warn you ...
If he bolted after sex, it wasn't your fault
Whether you make him wait five minutes or five weeks, when there's one thing on a man's mind, he's going to do everything to get it. And once he gets it, he's going to bolt regardless of the standards or timeline you set him.
Unfortunately, there's no way to tell the different between a five-minute bolter or a five-date bolter when you first meet them. Especially since both types pretend to really, really like you at the time.
"If I'm only after one thing with a girl, if she offers it up, I'm going to take it, and not exactly treat her like a girlfriend right afterwards," said one man I surveyed.
Blokes have smartened up. (Or at least the players among them.) They know what to say, do and buy to get you into bed as quickly and as cheaply as possible, without a thought about it afterwards.
Also if he does bolt, and you're left scratching your head wondering why the heck this has happened to you yet again, remember that you are not the first (or the last) woman he's going to do it to.
It's not you, it's him, seriously.
Do not text or call him incessantly, especially after sex
When I asked the men what makes them dump their new girlfriends, many told me it was because the women were simply too needy, clingy and communicative.
"What makes a woman seem needy?" I asked one in a follow-up email.
"She would send me like five texts a day," he said.
While five texts a day might seem like nothing to some women, to men it reeks of desperation and makes them feel as though you're cramping their style.
"A woman who gives me my freedom is a woman worth committing to, eventually," responded another.
Men get moody … and it's not your fault
"What makes you so moody?" I asked the gents. And I discovered that it was this:
When things don't go their way at work or in the sharemarket, they might come home in a foul mood. They might not want to talk to you, or talk at all.
The solution? Don't badger them. Many men define themselves by their careers, money-making ability and financial success. If they feel they might not be able to provide for you, or the future of their family, they will go quiet as they try to figure out a way to do it.
Let them stew in their man caves over their conundrums for as long as they need to.
If he isn't financially stable, don't expect him to propose
So many women whine to me about how desperately they want their boyfriend to propose. When I ask the gents why they won't do it, their answers are surprisingly similar.
"I want to make money first," said one, who dumped his girlfriend of two years because he said they wanted different things. "She wanted marriage, I wanted to make more money first."
Another wrote: "Until I had completely settled into my new job and put a deposit on a house, there was no way in hell I was even thinking about marriage."
The sentiment expressed among so many I interviewed was often the same: work, career and stability come first, a girlfriend comes second, marriage... a distant third.
If he is not chasing you, he doesn't like you enough
Even the shy ones admitted they WILL chase a girl they like. Seriously.
So ladies, if he's not chasing you, then ignore him. Stop trying to get his attention. Move on. Have a life. If he likes you enough, he'll eventually make the effort. Otherwise you're just wasting your time. I know this because the men have told me. And they laugh at us with their mates when we try to sway their opinion ...
Do not have a 'friend with benefits'
Aside from what the men said they think of this arrangement, ("Free sex! No strings attached! Hooray!"), Rutgers University has finally proved what we've long suspected: women fall in love after having sex.
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Call it the "orgasm curse" if you will, but if you think you can handle a "friends with benefits" situation, ladies, think again. The researchers discovered that oxytocin will inevitably ruin your ability to think rationally about the person you've just bonked, whether he's a douchebag or not. Which means that, unless you're willing to get your heart broken (or you've really taken the time to get to know him), don't do it.
Justin Timberlake's character in the film Friends with Benefits expresses the same sentiment as many of the blokes I surveyed: sex is more like playing a game of tennis than a declaration of a true-love, soul-mate connection.
And (spoiler-alert!), just because JT got over his commitment-phobia, does not mean that by bonking a man silly, he might come around and actually ask you on a date.
Don't say I didn't warn you ...
If he bolted after sex, it wasn't your fault
Whether you make him wait five minutes or five weeks, when there's one thing on a man's mind, he's going to do everything to get it. And once he gets it, he's going to bolt regardless of the standards or timeline you set him.
Unfortunately, there's no way to tell the different between a five-minute bolter or a five-date bolter when you first meet them. Especially since both types pretend to really, really like you at the time.
"If I'm only after one thing with a girl, if she offers it up, I'm going to take it, and not exactly treat her like a girlfriend right afterwards," said one man I surveyed.
Blokes have smartened up. (Or at least the players among them.) They know what to say, do and buy to get you into bed as quickly and as cheaply as possible, without a thought about it afterwards.
Also if he does bolt, and you're left scratching your head wondering why the heck this has happened to you yet again, remember that you are not the first (or the last) woman he's going to do it to.
It's not you, it's him, seriously.
Do not text or call him incessantly, especially after sex
When I asked the men what makes them dump their new girlfriends, many told me it was because the women were simply too needy, clingy and communicative.
"What makes a woman seem needy?" I asked one in a follow-up email.
"She would send me like five texts a day," he said.
While five texts a day might seem like nothing to some women, to men it reeks of desperation and makes them feel as though you're cramping their style.
"A woman who gives me my freedom is a woman worth committing to, eventually," responded another.
Men get moody … and it's not your fault
"What makes you so moody?" I asked the gents. And I discovered that it was this:
When things don't go their way at work or in the sharemarket, they might come home in a foul mood. They might not want to talk to you, or talk at all.
The solution? Don't badger them. Many men define themselves by their careers, money-making ability and financial success. If they feel they might not be able to provide for you, or the future of their family, they will go quiet as they try to figure out a way to do it.
Let them stew in their man caves over their conundrums for as long as they need to.
If he isn't financially stable, don't expect him to propose
So many women whine to me about how desperately they want their boyfriend to propose. When I ask the gents why they won't do it, their answers are surprisingly similar.
"I want to make money first," said one, who dumped his girlfriend of two years because he said they wanted different things. "She wanted marriage, I wanted to make more money first."
Another wrote: "Until I had completely settled into my new job and put a deposit on a house, there was no way in hell I was even thinking about marriage."
The sentiment expressed among so many I interviewed was often the same: work, career and stability come first, a girlfriend comes second, marriage... a distant third.
If he is not chasing you, he doesn't like you enough
Even the shy ones admitted they WILL chase a girl they like. Seriously.
So ladies, if he's not chasing you, then ignore him. Stop trying to get his attention. Move on. Have a life. If he likes you enough, he'll eventually make the effort. Otherwise you're just wasting your time. I know this because the men have told me. And they laugh at us with their mates when we try to sway their opinion ...
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