It seems that when a date, relationship or casual fling goes pear-shaped, women often like to blame the man for their sudden hot-turned-sour situation.
"Oh, he's just a commitment-phobe," they say.
"He just wanted sex," they cry.
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"He couldn't handle my success!" they tell themselves.
Yet if you ask a bunch of single gents, they'll give you an entirely different viewpoint.
"It wasn't me, it was her," many of them say.
"I don't mind committing to the right person … but she definitely wasn't it," they tell me.
"Seriously, women these days ... what's wrong with them!?"
While I often groan when I hear their proclamations, I've recently started to wonder what exactly it is about these single women that scares away the blokes, morphing them into non-communicating, commitment-phobic playboys, when in fact they weren't all that bad to begin with.
Most women would have no clue. Instead, a woman will spend hours conjuring up a range of fantastical reasons as to why the man rejected her, wouldn't commit, didn't call her after the first date, didn't call after sex or didn't contact her after he said he loved her.
Yet there are legitimate reasons as to why he does this, or so I've recently discovered. Yet somehow we never really get to hear the honest, raw, real male point of view. Sure, we can speculate as much as possible, but we end up going round in circles, never quite coming up with a viable (or at least an honest) reason as to why we got dumped.
Not any more.
Introducing Dr Travis Stork, the author of Don't Be That Girl, who is finally laying out all the crazy-girl-behaviour on the table and warning women everywhere: stop blaming the blokes and start looking within.
If you've never watched the television show The Bachelor, Stork was on the hit show in season eight.
During the show, he got to date 25 gorgeous women in the hope of finding "the one". Yet, unlike all the other bachelors, Stork - an emergency physician - could not choose one to marry.
Nevertheless he learnt a valuable lesson out of it all which he's keen to pass on to the women of the world.
"It may not actually be the man that's at fault; it may be you," he said. "He may not necessarily be afraid of commitment. He may only be afraid of a commitment with you."
In a bid to find out more, I took a closer look at Stork's book. He writes that there are eight types of women with whom commitment is not an option. While some of his observations are rather astute, others seem a little at odds with someone who was desperate enough to enter into a reality show in order to find a wife.
Nevertheless here they are. See what you think ...
Agenda Girl
Stork says the Agenda Girl is a woman who is obsessed with getting married, and isn't afraid to say it ... sometimes even on the first date.
"She thinks her biological clock is ticking and she needs to be married by 30 or she's failed," he writes. "She has a five-year plan that sounds something like this. Meet the right guy within a year. Get married within three. Have a baby in five. Game over. I win. And we live happily ever after."
Is that really so bad? Coming from a man who entered into a reality show to do just that, I'm surprised that he's surprised that these women wanted to get married, too. But reality shows aside, I do know these types of women all too well.
Most conversations with this breed of female tend to go along those lines: "I need to get married before 30", "Have I failed if I'm not married?", "How will I find a husband?", "How do I get my date to propose?"
But here's the conundrum: if a woman never mentions the future, she could risk dating a man who never intends to marry her, and therefore she will end up wasting precious years when she could be with someone who is prepared to commit. The solution? Let things progress naturally but have an ultimatum in your head: if he hasn't brought things up after a year, then it's time to lay your agenda out on the table … subtly of course.
Yes Girl
Writes Stork: "The Yes Girl cannot agree enough with everything her date or boyfriend says … While these girls are fun at first, the lack of conflict gets old really quickly … she might look like she's always putting her man first but actually she brings no passion, knowledge or anything else to the party."
I have to agree. Men always tell me they like a challenge, and some of them I've canvassed have actually dumped a woman who agrees with everything they say. If you are smart, challenging and interesting to a man, it piques his interest and makes him want to stay around a little longer to find out just how smart (or not) you really are.
Drama Queen Girl
You know her all too well: everything is dramatic, causes tears and is grounds for a hissy fit. From an unanswered text message to the fact her new date refuses to accompany her to her best friend's birthday party to the way her hair won't sit right.
"Men don't want to date Drama Queen Girl because you're unreliable and, ultimately, exhausting," says Stork. The solution? Stork suggests being quiet, talking only 30 per cent of the time and taking a month off from complaining about anything whatsoever. Yes, a month.
Bitter Girl
These are the women who Stork describes as holding a grudge against the entire male population. "She's been hurt before and she's going to make sure that it never happens again … she alienates men with her behaviour wherever she goes."
I have to disagree with Stork here. Sometimes I find that treating men this way actually makes them want to try harder to impress her and to prove to her that he's different from the rest. And a gal these days is allowed to be a little bitter, especially after she's been royally burnt by a man who was probably not even worthy of her affections in the first place.
But just in case this tactic isn't actually working to your favour, how should you combat the Bitter Girl syndrome? Stork suggests taking up an activity such as yoga or gardening. Um, really? Somehow I'm not so sure that's going to help a woman get the power back. But we can sure try …
Insecure Girl
Says Stork: "Self-doubt just isn't sexy: if you don't like yourself, how can you expect men to?"
True indeed. While gaining confidence is easier said than done, take the motto of my girlfriend Trish and "fake it till you make it". Then see the blokes scurry to get your attention.
Desperate Girl
"This is the girl who will phone-stalk a guy until she gets his attention. She absolutely will not be ignored. Sound familiar?"
Indeed it does. Somehow women can't help it. We need, crave and yearn for emotional connection and verbal communication. Of course as Stork laments, men love the thrill of the chase. And by us badgering the poor dude, we're only backing him into a corner. Stork's suggestion? Don't talk to a guy you meet for more than 10 minutes before walking away. Hey, it's worth a try.
Working Girl
Ah, the Alpha Female. Powerful, successful and can hold a mean boardroom meeting. But surely men are supposed to be supportive and in awe of a smart woman? Don't men like and revere a gal with a successful career? Apparently not.
"She hides behind her career, using it as an excuse to get out of the intimidating world of relationships, and is often heard saying that she doesn't need a man because she's too busy with her job," he writes.
The problem with this? "Men don't like being second to anything, and they don't like being cancelled on for a last-minute meeting, or having pillow talk interrupted by your BlackBerry." Oops.
Lost Girl
She's the one constantly in relationships which make her unhappy and, in turn, turn her insane. And then after complaining to anyone who will listen (including her new date), she's surprised when no one will marry her ...
My thoughts on this all?
I'm prepared to admit that I've exhibited at least one (if not all) of these behavioural traits. After all, it's in our feminine nature to do so. What about you?
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