So then suffice it to say that most of us are going to be mightily screwed up if we aren't still with the one with whom we first fell in love all those years ago. How bloody depressing.
But, then again, the older you get, the more you realise that everyone is scarred in one way or another when it comes to romantic liaisons … and for a myriad reasons. Here are some of the ones I've recently witnessed:
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"My first love broke my heart"
It was Oscar Wilde who said: "Men always want to be a woman's first love – women like to be a man's last romance." As true as that may be, when it comes to the notion of first loves, experts are now telling us that we need to avoid them at all costs. That is if we don't think we're going to end up with them for all eternity … till death do us part.
A new book titled Changing Relationships - a collection of research papers by Britain's leading sociologists and edited by Dr Malcolm Brynin - asserts that the euphoria of first love can damage future relationships by giving you unrealistic expectations of what is to follow. Brynin's solution? Skip a first relationship altogether if you ever want to make it work for the long haul.
"In an ideal world, you would wake up already in your second relationship," says Brynin, principal research officer at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex.
Which is easy for him to say. But when you experience that heady cocktail of intoxicating feelings that get your pheromones racing faster than Michael Schumacher's Ferrari, it's impossible to avoid it just in case it doesn't all work out.
Of course he's right when he says that, if you allow that first relationship to become "your benchmark for a relationship dynamic, then it becomes inevitable that future, more adult partnerships will seem boring and a disappointment", but really, who the heck would pass it up? Shouldn't we be living in the moment? Taking each opportunity as it comes our way? I guess not if you don't want to end up a commitment-phobe …
"My parents had a messed-up relationship"
Whether your folks are still happily together, divorced or have a tumultuous relationship, their relationship (whether you like it or not) affects everything from how you react to affection, love and sex to the way you argue with your partner and your views on commitment, fidelity and marriage. After all, research shows that your behaviour is hard-wired from the age of four, which means that anything you witness from that point on is going to have a mighty influence on the way you treat your future relationships.
"I'm divorced/have kids"
Baggage comes in all shapes and sizes and how you let it affect your future relationships is all up to you and your attitude. But still, no matter how much you own the consequences of your baggage and attempt to not let it hinder your chance at true love, the people you meet can be a tad more judgmental. I know many who refuse to date someone who is divorced, someone with kids, someone in debt … you get the picture. The good news is there's always someone compatible and understanding of your situation. Why settle for someone who is not?
"I'm not thin enough/rich enough/smart enough"
There's an old saying: You can't love another till you love yourself.
While I've long believed this is a load of bollocks (sorry, folks, but if there is someone out there who is willing to love you and overlook all your foibles, get over yourself!), many find it difficult to enter into a relationship when their self-esteem is down. (Which could damn well be because they're still hung up on their first love.)
And here's where the catch lies: we've all been heartbroken once before, we've all experienced pain and abandonment and had a blow to our egos. But if we can't move forward from the past and continue on a path of constant self-harm, how will we ever get to enjoy the future ...
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