We all want fun. Well, anyone I want to associate with wants fun anyway. Being transgender is a blessing/curse. I guess so. I guess you have to carry the weight of individual and societal prejudices but it doesn't define you. You are more than your sex and I know each and everyone know that. Love doesn't come easily to any of us and the harder we look for it the more elusive it becomes. Shine your beacon, be yourself and you'll attract the right people into your life.
Good men from adult websites- that's new. I spent some time on adult websites, OK if you're looking for great uninhibited sex, probably not the the first choice for a long term relationship! They're all amazed I've never been insecure, I guess I'm really that someone special.
Anyone patronizing, admiring etc should be dismissed as a loser using a crude tool to ingratiate himself with you. Anyone fawning or falling over you when they don't know you is infatuated with an image or using you to project their desires on to. You can't know someone from a blog, a photo, even your detailed answers to the dating website questions, those are just clues and cues to compatibility and to dribble into a keyboard at that stage is well, er,... inappropriate.
They love the way I use 'suck and twist his mind' . The imagery is seductive. I'm also inclined to wear my heart on my sleeve and put my man on a pedestal. It doesn't work, your love is taken for granted and your partner, flattered at first to be on the pedestal soon starts to believe they should be there and that leads to an unbalanced - freakishly unbalanced - relationship. I have to continually check myself not to gush (particularly too much too soon) but I fall in love easily and out of love painfully so it's hard- to hold back.
Shine your light; beam your true you, your best you to the world and the ones you attract will know the real you. If you want men to be attracted to your physicality, display your body. If you want men to be attracted to your wit, wisdom and intellect then show that. If you want men to be attracted to you emotionally, spiritually and psychologically then show that. Men will always be attracted to the body first, it's hardwired so if you show how beautiful you are they will agree with the rest in order to sleep with you. Men are visually stimulated, women are more attracted to wealth, strength, loyalty, and compassion.
I can talk your ears off about men and women and the codes, rules and communication failures between them. Bizarrely I used to do that sort of thing for a living and I'm really good at it hahaha. OK, happy dating!