Why the woman, dubbed "Waity Katy" by the media, hung around is no mystery to most, yet some didn't exactly see it that way.
Britain's Daily Mail writer Beth Gibbons says Middleton's behaviour is an increasingly worrying trend when it comes to young women hankering after a ring.
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Gibbons has even given a name to this trend, calling it the "WK" syndrome. She refers to women whose CVs are gathering dust while they wait for their men to pop the question. And they wait, and wait, and wait.Of course, under these royal circumstances, Middleton would be mad not to have stuck around.
Yet, a girlfriend of mine who dated an actor, stuck around with him for 10 years while he travelled the globe and didn't exactly treat her the way she deserved.
"He'll propose when he's ready," she often told herself. Until, one day, she woke up to realise that her man was actually never going to propose, no matter how many soufflés she cooked, floors she polished or sexual favours she proffered.
While she hadn't been inflicted with the WK syndrome (she had a successful career and relied on him for nothing much but his company and sex … when he was in town), she'd still succumbed to the idea that the man she'd fallen for was indeed going to make an honest women out of her. At least one day soon.
So what's the solution? To wait, or not to wait? Is it a case of some men simply not being the marrying kind? And if so, how do you discern between the two?
John T. Molloy, author of Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others, who interviewed 3000 couples coming out of marriage licence bureaus, wrote that it's up to the women to call the shots. And according to his survey results, waiting around without making any demands isn't exactly the best way to ensure a future that involves an aisle and a slice of wedding cake.
Instead, he suggests that women who want to get married should insist on it, get out of dead-end relationships, love themselves first, keep in shape and choose their future husbands wisely.
He also says that the high commitment period for men is between the ages of 28 and 33 and that, after 38, the chances a man will ever commit to marriage drops dramatically.
Hence a woman should look carefully at the man's age before deciding that he's going to be the one to do the proposing.
Here's the other thing that I've recently and increasingly come across myself. Molloy says that men are more likely to marry after they've been working and living as independent adults for several years.
Which means that, even if you meet the man of your dreams, but he's not satisfied in his career or feels he hasn't yet "made it" on his own, it will be impossible to pin him down for the long haul.
This makes me a little upset. You see, I often think that I don't care about what job he has, where he lives or how much money he makes.
But when a man isn't satisfied with his own lot, and feels he cannot be the type of provider a girl deserves, he just can't commit.
So he asks you to wait for him to sort his life out. And then you wonder how long you'll be waiting around. And then you wonder if maybe it's his excuse for not committing to you because in reality he doesn't like you all that much. And then you think there's something wrong with you, not him. And then you become inflicted with the WK syndrome … just in case the dude gets his life together, and gathers together enough dough to take you for dinner, let alone buy you a ring.
But what if he's simply a stringer? A dude who never intends to marry you, but prefers to just string you along because - let's face it - regular sex and home-cooked dinners are much more enjoyable than hitting the clubs and engaging in one-night stands with floozies who don't even know your name.
I once talked in this column about the problems women face when they are unknowingly dating a stringer (and got so many comments, emails and phone calls from irate exes that I knew I'd hit a nerve).
Molloy warns stringently against getting ensconced in such a relationship. Instead, he says that, to avoid this subset of men, you need to filter them out by insisting they commit after six months. And then women actually need stick to their self-impoesd deadline.
But maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on the poor gents. After all, if Middleton had stuck to Molloy's rule, the world's most revered royal family would have an entirely different future. She'd never be princess, he'd never be engaged and we'd all still be wondering if we might be the ones to meet the prince and have the fairy tale ending.
To settle, or not to settle?
Interestingly, despite all this hoo-hah about "not settling" for someone below your standards and waiting around for the Mr Right who ticks all your boxes and makes you feel like you've hit the proverbial man-jackpot, Molloy asserts that you should consider "unpolished jewels" – men who are just as nice, intelligent, hard-working and successful, but lack looks, height or social skills.
Which got me wondering if it works the other way around too. Should one ever consider a man who has the looks, height and the social skills, but who isn't as intelligent, hard-working or successful? Where should the compromise lie? (Although in the research, divorced women told the researchers that they had already tried the tall, suave, type, and that despite the fact they may have been good eye-candy, they didn't make very good husbands after all.)
Interestingly, Molloy said, those women desperate to nab a husband need to adhere to the following advice: dress appropriately and send him the message, "I am wife material."
Because, as he writes: "Men marry women they perceive as 'situational virgins' who move easily in their world."
Oh, and the most important bit of advice?
"Give men a second chance - 20 per cent of brides-to-be said that they didn't like their husbands when they first met [them]." (Oops. Sorry gents.)
Other observations from Molloy's research:
* "If you want to discuss marriage, you're going to have to bring the subject up, because many men never will."
* "73% of marrying women said that they put pressure on their man to propose."
* "If a woman is convinced that marriage is essential to her happiness, she is more likely to marry."
* "If a man is convinced that being married is essential to a woman's happiness, he is more likely to propose."
* "Men don't get subtle hints - a woman has to discuss marriage directly and, to make sure he gets the point, ask follow-up questions."
* "When a man says he isn't ready, it usually doesn't mean he will never marry ... Often, it's because they don't have enough money."